Industry-Leading, Award-Winning Training

24/7 Comprehensive Pastry & Baking Education

Enterprise accounts are available with an annual account for each location.

Enterprise Accounts Have Access To:

  • Extensive pastry and baking chef-instructed training platform with 500+ hours Lessons time and 400+ hours Course time.
  • Trusted flexible training models used by the industry, schools, universities & training centers to maintain high-quality training consistency, brand standards, and to retain and grow talent.
  • Personalized trackers, quizzes, and enterprise tools that make training seamlessly fit into your operations.
  • Build a custom set of courses and lessons that meet your team’s exact training needs or take one of our 50+ pre-set pastry, cake decorating, or bread courses.
  • 30 Hours a year of American Culinary Federations approved Continuing Education Hours per member – a fraction of the costs of other high-quality CEH.